Mike Roberts Online Vintage Dances Dance Instructor, Online Partner Charleston Dance Instructor, Online Jitterbug Dance Instructor, Online Lindy Hop Dance Instructor, Online Jazz (vernacular) Dance Instructor, Online Blues Dance Instructor
Mike Roberts Austin, TX, United States
Mike Roberts Demo Video
Instructor Profile
18 Dance Lesson Packs,
74 Dance Lessons
Vintage Dances
Partner Charleston
Lindy Hop
Jazz (vernacular)
Teaches with:
Laura Glaess
Instructor Bio
Mike Roberts has been teaching since 2001 and has been dancing Lindy Hop and associated dances including Balboa, Charleston, Shag, and East Coast Swing since 2000. A great deal of Mike's success can be attributed to his vivid imagination. He admits to pretending he's a superhero like Colossus or Spiderman before he lifts weights (or his partner). It really helps your ability to keep up with a 250 bpm song if you can leap tall buildings in a single bound. He believes that the most important thing in dancing is listening to your partner and having fun. No matter how much technique you have, if you're not having fun with it, there's no point.www.mikeandlauralindy.com