Andrew Sutton Online Partner Charleston Dance Instructor, Online Lindy Hop Dance Instructor, Online Jazz (vernacular) Dance Instructor

Andrew Sutton Sacramento, CA, United States

Andrew Sutton Demo Video

Instructor Bio

For the past 2 years, I have been blessed with the
opportunity to tour and teach the Lindy Hop across the
USA and Europe. I have a true passion for teaching
dance and I hope to be able to share it with all of you
some day.

My Classes focus on 5 fundamental concepts, all of
which I feel are equally important:
Body Awareness/Quality of movement
and Inspiration "Andrew was really a catalyst for the Central Pennsylvania Swing Dance Club (CPSDC). He breathed life into our long-time dancers, inspired our newcomers, and made our scene fun by adding a playful and gaming nature. His passion for teaching and his excellent sense of humor left our dancers talking about his workshops nearly a year later - and constantly inquiring about when he'd be returning. His classes were well-structured and unique in nature - the content was outstanding! Most importantly, Andrew's down-to-earth nature makes him a stand-out instructor. While in our area, he danced with first-timers and old jitterbugs as well as our skilled lindy hoppers - his non-discriminating eye made everyone feel included in the learning and excitement. Andrew is by far the greatest thing that has happened to CPSDC and we can't wait to have him back." Amanda Hansen, PR Director, CPSDC, Carlisle, PA

Andrew Sutton's Popular Dance Packs See All

Lindy Hop Lesson Pack
Levels 2, 3
Lindy Hop Lesson Pack
Levels 2, 3, 4
Jazz (vernacular) Lesson Pack
Level 1
Lindy Hop Lesson Pack
Levels 2, 3
Lindy Hop Lesson Pack
Levels 3, 4
Lindy Hop Lesson Pack
Level 2
Jazz (vernacular) Lesson Pack
Level 4
Lindy Hop Lesson Pack
Level 4
Partner Charleston Lesson Pack
Level 2
Partner Charleston Lesson Pack
Level 3

Andrew Sutton's Popular Lessons See All
