Online Partner Charleston Dance Lessons Pack: Intermediate Tandem Charleston (10 lessons)

Pack Details

Title: Intermediate Tandem Charleston


Tandem Charleston has always been a main ingredient to the Lindy Hop recipe, but it can be hard to find a comprehensive manual on the subject. Look no further! Kevin and Jo start with footwork, partnering technique, then move on to entrance, exits, and eye-catching moves. Great for Charleston dancers of all levels, it is packed with nitty gritty technical detail even the more advanced dancer will appreciate, while packing all the information in a straightforward and overall do-able set of fun and inspiring lessons.

Dance genre: Partner Charleston

Packs are 15% off!

$19.90 $16.92

How it works

Lesson Packs are groups of lessons that are pre-selected for a certain theme, or are part of a larger sequence.

When you purchase this Lesson Pack, you get access to all of the lessons contained in this pack, and at a significant discount.

Pack Lessons must be dowloaded (after purchase) and activated (if you have an active subscription) individually.

Lessons included in this pack (1-10 of 10)

(1-10 of 10)
(1-10 of 10)