Alison Scola Online Vintage Dances Dance Instructor, Online Balboa Dance Instructor, Online Collegiate Shag Dance Instructor, Online Jitterbug Dance Instructor, Online Jazz (vernacular) Dance Instructor, Online Blues Dance Instructor
Alison Scola San Diego, CA, United States

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Instructor Profile
Instructor Bio
Since their marriage and move to San Diego, CA in mid-2002; Joel and Alison Plys have made quite a name for themselves. They have a high quality, energetic approach to the dance which makes every lesson with them a blast!
As regular teachers at major events all over the world, Joel & Alison's down to earth, enthusiastic attitudes are contagious and offer a very personal learning experience.
Joel & Alison have a full knowledge and understanding of various styles that they share in their instruction. To 'preserve' a dance, you must understand the technique and characteristic fundamentals of that dance. For a dance to 'evolve', you must be open to everyone adding creative elements to that dance. They encourage students to study and be open to "differences" so that they can make the dance their own. Joel & Alison embody these qualities in their instruction and their dancing while remembering the true reason we dance - for FUN!
They have taught all over the US (22 states and counting) as well as Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, Scotland and Sweden. They are one of few couples that can truly offer instruction in all areas of authentic Swing and are recognized as two of the best Charleston, Balboa, Lindy & Shag instructors in the world.